TEC 야후 유저겔에 Eric Roel이라는 행성고수가 올린 이미지 입니다.
장비 : TEC10"MAK(F20) + LU075M+1200GTO
링크 :
Some friends have liked this image, so I posted it on the former
message. It is a mosaic of 4 images taken at the prime focus of the
10" f/20 TEC Maksutov, using the Baader IR/pass filter and the LU-075M
camera. Each part of the mosaic is a sum of 100 frames aligned and
registered in Registax. My goal was to feel as we were orbiting Mare
Crisium. Hope you like it too.
Best regards,
Eric. (M?ico)"
"Super nice processing and excellent detail.
Roland Christen" ..ㅎㅎ