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광시야로 가면 공간해상도가 줄어들고, 초점거리를 늘리면 아쉽고...
차라리, 주변부를 과감하게 버리고 Cygnus Wall같은 다이나믹한 지역만을 협대역필터로 포커스를 맞추는 것도 참 즐거운 작업같습니다.
FSQ-106ED and QSI683wsg (DSW data @Rowe, NM)
HaLRGB filters: 25.0 hours
FS-60CB and QSI583wsg (Own data @Daejeon, South Korea)
Ha+OIII filters: 5.5 hours
Higher resolution(full): http://www.astrobin.com/269434/0/
Higher resolution(full): http://www.astrobin.com/254966/B/
Data acquisition: Deep Sky West Remote Observatory (Rowe, New Mexico) + Daejeon, South Korea (대전 갑천변)
Calibration and Image Processing: Sung-Joon Park
Copyright: Sung-Joon Park