Object: M31: The Andromeda Galaxy
Exposure: 227, 239 seconds, ISO1600
Processing: Enhanced in Stellar image 4
Telescope system: Tak. FS152 152mm F/8 APO refractor and S2PRO Fuji digital camea
Mount: Tak. NJP
Guiding: None
Location: KOREA
Date: 9/20/2003, 22: 55 KST
comment: I took a picture of M31 galaxy rising up the sky at the Astro village star party in Korea. Every September, Astro village conducts star party where my telescope is set up. The number of people who attend are about 150~200. The place where Astro village locates in is almost no lights and the sky is clear. Of course, in the aspect of weather, you can not compare to Arizona in U.S.A.. Recently, I couldn't have taken astro photoes because of Typhoon and flood. What's worse is the farmers has been a lot of damages due to the natural disaster. The star party day cleared up amazingly but seeing wasn't that good.
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