미국cloudynight 중고장터에 나온 매물입니다. 2년됬다지만
가격은 구미를 당기네요..ㅎㅎ
Description: Bought for $6K 2 years ago, this 3 Megapix super cooled super sensitive astro CCD is yours!. Includes USB connection, CCDSoft software, primary and secondary elecric cooling for 30-40 degree differential, full 3 Megapixel 1x1 frame, very fast quantum efficiency, color filter wheel control. For $500 more I'll include the Optec Intelligent Filter wheel with fast swap filter wheels and a full array of 2 inch no-vingetting optics RGBL and Lunar. Send me an email for a detailed list of all inclusions plus a sample of the great images you can produce with this camera and filter wheel.
링크 :
관심있던 분은 사도 좋을 것 같군요..