[re] 6월 29일 출근부...

by 이건호 posted Jun 29, 2005


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
^^ 이중출석부가 되었군요.

흥미있는 사진이 와서 올립니다.
비가 많이 옵니다. 비 조심 하시구요.

   Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 08:38:36 -0700
   From: "Mark de Regt"
Subject: New Image and RCX First Light:  M92

We've had horrible weather since I got my scope.  There was a slight break last week at the full moon, with a night of excellent seeing, but horrible transparency with the full moon making it brignt enough to read by.

Anyway, that's good enough for a Seattle imager, so I chose a relatively friendly target for the conditions, not worried as much by the bad color and detail I would get from imaging through the bright soup, as much as I was interested in the shape and size of the stars, especially at the edge of the field.

The image is large (1.2mb) because I only cropped a few pixels from each side (because of dithering), wanting to show how the scope handles the full field of the ST-8 chip.

This was the first time out, and the scope was not PEC trained, or any other tuning.  This is the scope right out of the box, literally.

Tripod mounted 12" RCX400; ST-8XE; CFW8 with Astrodon filters; guided with AO-7 at about 6Hz.



Mark de Regt
Redmond, Washington, USA