From: "Jay McNeil" <>
Subject: New Nebula Discovery using SBIG ST-10XME and 3-inch Tak!
Hi Everyone (here's the nitty-gritty),
Here's the official IAUC:
Here's the anouncement in the "Star Formation Newsletter" released
yesterday (just download Ghostscript/Ghostview if needed):
Here's links to all of my images thus far (ofcourse it's been cloudy
and snowing since the day of the discovery ;-):
Here's the original discovery image:
Here's the cropped luminace only with labels (and north up):
and here's the 10-inch shot through clouds:
I've GOTT'A get to work for now! But I will certainly post more once
I get home....
Thanks to all,
Jay McNeil
사진에 새로운 성운이 있나 검사도 철저히 해야겠군요.
한달전에 찍은 M78사진에도 잘 나왔건만....
skymate성운이 나올뻔했는데 마리죠 ^^
아래는 제 사진 링크입니다.
M78에서 8시방향으로 있는 이중성 아래의 작은 성운입니다.