[re] M78에 새로운 성운발견(동영상)

by 이건호 posted Feb 13, 2004


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
그동안의 아마추어 CCD로 찍은 사진을 모아 애니메이션으로 만들어 보았답니다. 구경이나 노출이 다르기 때문에 정확한 데이터는 아니지만 밝기가 급격히 밝아지는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

도대체 2~3개월 동안에 저 동네에선 무슨일이 일어난 걸까요?

사진과 자세한 내용은 글과 링크를 참고하세요.

Hi folks,

Here is a short animation of the emergence and evolution so far of
Jay's nebula. I think it's just fascinating to see this thing light
up and expand in such a relatively short period of time, and as
you'll see it's definitely still evolving.


This is the "short version" of the animation... I have about 16
images collected so far, but this is from five of the sharpest that
were also spread nicely in time. Many thanks (a couple in advance!)
to the authors of these images. Links to the original images, as
well as notes on how the animation was constructed, appear below the

Let's keep imaging this one, folks... we can keep adding frames to
the movie!




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