C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) 혜성의 간단한 위치 성도. ^^

by 염범석 posted Nov 22, 2004


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오늘 새벽에 마크홀츠(C/2004 Q2) 혜성을 관측했었는데 6X30 파인더로도 보이더군요. ^^ 7X50 쌍안경이상이면 무난하게 찾을 수 있을 것 같습니다. 근데 오늘부터는 달이 늦게 지는 관계로, 그리고 월령이 점차 커지는 관계로 관측조건은 갈수록 좋지 않습니다. 관측을 계획하셨다면 몇일 안으로 관측하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 새벽에 일어나서 관측하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 자택에서 관측하시면 새벽 3시쯤이나 4시쯤에 일어나면 될듯 싶네요. ^^
혜성의 위치는 몇일 지나도 크게 차이가 나지 않으니까 성도 보면서 찾으시면 될것 같습니다.^^

< 최근 혜성의 등급 계산>

2004 Nov. 16.11 UT: m1=6.6, Dia.=12', DC=5, 7x50B, Juan Jose Gonzalez (Camposagrado, alt.1135 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 25x100B: 0.6-deg tail in p.a. 285 deg ]
2004 Nov. 16.15 UT: m1=6.9, Dia=4', DC=6...25.4cmL f/4.5 (46x)...Mariano Ribas (Planetario de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*2004 Nov. 16.59 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=9', DC=5...7x50 B...Michael Mattiazzo (Stockport Observatory, South Australia)[In 25x100mm Binoculars, a bright dust tail 20' in length is visible in PA 265. In a 38cm reflector, a bright stellar nucleus of 11th magnitude is visible. A short ion tail is also detectable in PA 330. Comet is visible to the unaided eye at zenith using averted vision]
*2004 Nov. 16.60 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=11', DC=5/... 7x35B...Yoshimi Nagai (Nagano, Japan)

*2004 Nov. 17.08 UT: m1=6.6, Dia. =8', DC=6, Tail: 45' in P.A. 282 degrees...15x60 B...Mike Begbie (Harare, Zimbabwe) [Coma appears as a bright perfectly spherical ball of light with a distinctive stellar central condensation. Tail very diffuse, but narrower and brighter than previously seen. 17.07 UT: m1=6.0, Dia. =15', DC= 5...NE. First view of the comet with the unaided eye, very easy with direct vision, and a very large outer coma seen with averted vision.]
*2004 Nov. 17.22 UT: m1=6.8, Dia=4', DC=5/6...12cmL f/6.6 (40x)...Mariano Ribas (Planetario de Buenos Aires, Argentina)[Comet Machholz is clearly brighter than a 7.1 mag. star 40´ from it. In-out method. Very clear night in Buenos Aires, with inusual limit magnitude 4.7]
*2004 Nov. 17.79 UT: m1=6.4, Dia.=6', DC=6...8x40B...Andrew Pearce (Nedlands, Western Australia)[Observation made in 20x80B: Nov. 17.79 UT: m1=6.5, Dia.=5.5', DC=6. Short broad tail observed 26' long in PA 273 deg. Coma appeared smaller this morning but somewhat more condensed.]
*2004 Nov. 17.89 UT: m1=6.3, Dia=14', DC=6,......7x50B...T.Scarmato (Calabria, Italy) [Coma very large. In-out method] 2004 Nov. 18.06 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=20', DC=6...NE...Juan Jose Gonzalez ( Aralla, alt.1440 m, Leon, North Spain) [ 7x50B: m1= 6.2, Dia.=15', DC=5; Mountain location, very clear sky. Ion tail: 0.9 deg in p.a. 325 deg, broader dust tail: 0.6 deg in p.a. 285 deg ]

*2004 Nov. 18.07 UT: m1=6.5, Dia. =15', DC=7, Tail: 45' centred on P.A. 280 degrees...15x60 B...Mike Begbie (Harare, Zimbabwe) [Tail very diffuse and spread out. 18.06 UT: m1=6.0, Dia. =15', DC=6...NE.]


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