NGC1365 3
Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC 3372) 6
IC5146 cocoon nebula 6
IC 5070 Pelican Nebula (Ha only) 2
IC 5067, 펠리칸 성운의 일부 3
M27, 아령성운~~ 6
Cygnus Loop (SNR) - Veil Nebula (NGC 6960, NGC 6992...) | 3
신형 냉각 카메라(ASI1600MC)로 M31 찍어봅니다 5
NGC 6888 and Soap Bubble (HOO) 5
M16 Eagle Nebula & Pillars of Creation (SHO) 1
북아메리카, 펠리칸 narrowband bi-color 4
M53 and NGC5053 4