좋은 사진이 있어서 링크합니다. 클릭해서 보시고, 설명은 그림 아래에... (LX90으로 6프레임 모자익합성 총3.5시간)
Hi group,
Here's a mosaic of M45 that I've been working on,
taken with a Canon 10D digital camera:
A higher resolution image can be found at:
Details: This represents a total of 30 frames
requiring about 3.5 hours of exposure, taken with the
Canon 10D at ISO1600 (6 to 9 minutes per
exposure), through the LX90 at f6.3, autoguided with
the STV/e-finder. The mosaic was made with a total of
6 different sections of M45 (each section is an
average stack of 5 frames). The frames for
each section were processed as follows: raw
conversion, adaptive dark frame calibration,
alignment, autograding, min/max excluded
averaging, and background compensation done in
ImagesPlus; levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop;
final smoothing done in Pleiades
SGBNR software. Mosaic was constructed in Photoshop
using the technique described by Rob Gendler. Total
processing time was approximately 20 hours over a
period of 3 days.
Hope you like it.
Steve Cannistra
좋은 사진이 있어서 링크합니다. 클릭해서 보시고, 설명은 그림 아래에... (LX90으로 6프레임 모자익합성 총3.5시간)
Hi group,
Here's a mosaic of M45 that I've been working on,
taken with a Canon 10D digital camera:
A higher resolution image can be found at:
Details: This represents a total of 30 frames
requiring about 3.5 hours of exposure, taken with the
Canon 10D at ISO1600 (6 to 9 minutes per
exposure), through the LX90 at f6.3, autoguided with
the STV/e-finder. The mosaic was made with a total of
6 different sections of M45 (each section is an
average stack of 5 frames). The frames for
each section were processed as follows: raw
conversion, adaptive dark frame calibration,
alignment, autograding, min/max excluded
averaging, and background compensation done in
ImagesPlus; levels and curves adjustment in Photoshop;
final smoothing done in Pleiades
SGBNR software. Mosaic was constructed in Photoshop
using the technique described by Rob Gendler. Total
processing time was approximately 20 hours over a
period of 3 days.
Hope you like it.
Steve Cannistra