Deep Sky


by 김영재 posted Jan 27, 2005


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TEC 유저겔에서

  I used 4 filters for this HaRGB mage.
Ha: 12x5min exp.
R: 12x1min, 12x5min
G: 12x1min, 12x5min
B: 12x1min, 12x5min

Exposure is summed 168 minutes all together.
The Ha image is mixed with the R channel (30%Ha, 70%R)
Filtes used are from Astronomik.
Software used was MIRA 6.095

I use a Mitsuboshi camera connection (available from HUTECH) that normaly uses a 6x9 film camera.

I have tried to show the nebula simply as "nebula", not as contrasty,and colorful as otherwise is common today

best regards
Robert Schulz
