올봄에 FSQ에 1.6x 익스텐더를 달아서 촬영을 시도하였으나 다음기회로 미루었던 대상입니다.
오히려 익스텐더 없는 것이 더 보기 좋아보이네요.
M53 and NGC5053
Two globular clusters in 2.0x1.5 deg field
FSQ-106ED and QSI683wsg
L: 16x300sec
RGB: (16, 16, 16)x600sec
Total exposure of 9.3 hours
-Low Resolution: http://www.astrobin.com/253495/
- Moderate Resolution: http://www.astrobin.com/full/253495/0/
- Highest Resolution: http://www.astrobin.com/full/253495/0/?real&mod
Data acquisition: Deep Sky West Remote Observatory (Rowe, New Mexico)
Calibration and Image Processing: Sung-Joon Park
Copyright: Sung-Joon Park