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  1. SH2-140, 145, 150

    Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBIG RemoteGuideHead Exposure : L 600s x 40(1bin),...
    Date2017.11.27 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views206
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  2. 우주 해파리(IC443) 저렴하게 찍어봅니다

    제목 :  우주 해파리(IC443) 저렴하게 찍어봅니다 망원경/렌즈 :   FS-60CB, W/O  플래트너 type2(0.8배 리듀서) 카메라 :  ASI-1600MM 모노 냉각 CMOS 카메라, -20도, Gain 200, Offset 21 마운트 :  스카이워쳐 AZ-EQ6 필터 :  ZWO LRGB Ha 36mm 필터 노출...
    Date2017.11.25 CategoryNebula By김도익 Views225
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  3. NGC2238 장미성운 찍어 봅니다.

    제목 :  장미성운 찍어 봅니다. 망원경/렌즈 :  FLT-98CF, W/O 플래트너 type4 카메라 :  ASI-1600MM 모노 CMOS, 냉각쿨러 마운트 :  스카이워쳐 AZ-EQ6 필터 :  ZWO Ha, O3, S2 필터  노출정보 : L 300초 8장 + R 300초 5장 + G 300초 5장 + B 300초 5장    ...
    Date2017.11.25 CategoryNebula By김도익 Views295
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  4. SH2-155 Cave nebula

    Telescope : Planewave CDK14 (D:356mm, fl:2563mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : ZWO ASI174MM Exposure : L 900s x 30(1x1bin), RGB 900s...
    Date2017.11.24 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views166
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  5. Sadr Region

    Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB, Astrodon 3nm Ha 50mm square OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBIG RemoteGuideHead ...
    Date2017.11.21 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views201
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  6. NGC1499 California Nebula

    LRGB (LHa)(RHa)GB Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB, Astrodon 50mm square Ha 3nm OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBI...
    Date2017.11.20 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views192
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  7. 오리온 대성운 부근

    매년 찍는 오리온 대성운 또 찍어본거 다시 처리해서 올려봅니다. 뭔가 맘에 안드네요. 찍는날 배경하늘이 좀 밝아서 3분 노출에도 하늘이 타버리는 상황이라...쩝 장-중-단 노출 주고 Pixinsight 에서 HDR composite 처리해서 내부 구조까지 보이게 처리 했고...
    Date2017.11.17 CategoryNebula By김광욱 Views256
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  8. NGC7380 Wizard Nebula Narrowband

    Telescope : Planewave CDK14 (D:356mm, fl:2563mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon Ha,O3,S2 3nm 50mm square OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : ZWO ASI174MM Exposure : Ha 1200s x 22(1x1bin), S3 1200s x 14(1x...
    Date2017.11.16 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views222
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  9. M1 , Crab nebula

    제목 : M1 게성운 망원경/렌즈 :  Orion 8" UK 카메라 : Zwo ASI1600MM  마운트 : EQ6 pro  필터 : Astrodon 1.25" lrgb  노출정보 : L 1x1b 300sec * 8 , RGB 2x2b 300sec * 5  촬영장소 :  위스타관측소 촬영일시 :  2017년 11월11일  촬영후기 : 이제까지 ...
    Date2017.11.14 CategoryNebula By김성엽 Views215
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  10. M42&M43

    M42&M43 촬영일 : 2017.10.23 장 소 : Weestar 관측소 망원경 : Borg 100ED, 0.85xR 가이드 : 60mm 가이드경, QHY5LII-M 적도의 : ARC7 Prototype CCD : ASI 071MC, 600s*13Frames, 1200s*5Frames, Software : PSCS5, Pixinsight
    Date2017.11.14 CategoryNebula By임재식 Views205
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  11. Soul & Heart Nebula Mosaic

    1920 x 1080 pixel 2560 x 1440 pixel Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBIG RemoteGui...
    Date2017.11.08 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views190
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  12. M1

    제목 : M1 망원경/렌즈 : 자작 8인치 F/4 Newtonian  망원경 콤마코렉터 : paracorr2  카메라 : Oympus E-PL5 (AA+IR cut 필터제거) 가이드 : 자작 OFF AXIS Guider + QHY5L II 마운트 :  자작 Goto 적도의, PHD2 가이드 필터 :  52mm Hoya UV/IR cut  노출정...
    Date2017.10.23 CategoryNebula By이준화 Views165
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  13. NGC 7000 언저리

    제목 : NGC 7000 언저리 망원경/렌즈 : Samyang 85mm(f/1.4) @f/2.8 카메라 : Modified Fujifilm X-E1 마운트 :  TP2 필터 : UHC 노출정보 : 300s x 20, @iso 1000 촬영장소 : Mongol 촬영일시 : 17. Oct. 2017 / 23:00~ 촬영후기 : 노숙 모드로 와서...24인...
    Date2017.10.19 CategoryNebula By박영식 Views145
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  14. Heart and Soul

    제목 : Heart and Soul 망원경/렌즈 : Samyang 85mm(f/1.4) @f/2.8 카메라 : Modified Fujifilm X-E1 마운트 : TP2 필터 : UHC 노출정보 : 300s x 30, @iso 1000 촬영장소 : Mongol 촬영일시 : 17. Nov. 2016 / 19:30~ 촬영후기 : 지난 10월 16일 부터 몽골 ...
    Date2017.10.19 CategoryNebula By박영식 Views157
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  15. ngc6888 - the Crescent Nebula

    2017년 9월 3,8,9,13,14,20,22일 경남 의령-창녕 GSO 10''RC carbon /c HD58RC reducer @ f6.4 FL1600mm Ha 480min  / O3 600min / RGB 180min , total 1260min (total 21h) QHY16200a(-30도) Astrorainbow RST400 Equatorial Mount Off-axis guide /c QHY174...
    Date2017.10.03 CategoryNebula By권한조 Views275
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  16. IC1805 Heart Nebula

    Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBIG RemoteGuideHead Exposure : L 600s x 38(1x1bin...
    Date2017.09.27 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views179
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  17. NGC281 Pacman nebula

    Telescope : Planewave CDK14 (D:356mm, fl:2563mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : ZWO ASI174MM Exposure : L 600s x 46(1x1bin), RGB 600s...
    Date2017.09.26 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views189
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  18. NGC6995 narrowband bi-color

    Telescope : Planewave CDK14 (D:356mm, fl:2563mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : ZWO ASI174MM Exposure : Ha 1200s x 31(1x1bin), Oiii 1...
    Date2017.09.20 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views250
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  19. Horse head Nebula

    제목 : Horse head Nebula 망원경/렌즈 : Canon FD 300mm f/2.8L (F4 front masking) 카메라 : Olympus E-PL5 (filter modified) 마운트 : AZ-EQ6gt 필터 : UV/IR cut filter (made in China) 노출정보 : iso 1250 2m x 31 촬영장소 : 김천 덕산재 촬영일시 :...
    Date2017.09.18 CategoryNebula By김승남 Views256
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  20. Barnard72 (Snake Nebula) widefield

    Telesocpe : Takahashi FSQ-106ED (D:106mm, fl:530mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : SBIG RemoteGuideHead Exposure : L 600s x 23(1x1bin...
    Date2017.09.07 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views226
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  21. M27 Dumbbell Nebula

    Telescope : Planewave CDK14 (D:356mm, fl:2563mm) CCD : SBIG STX-16803  Mount : RainbowAstro RST-400  Filters : Astrodon true-balance gen2 50mm square LRGB OAG : Astrodon MOAG Guide CCD : ZWO ASI174MM Exposure : L 600s x 40(1x1bin), RGB each...
    Date2017.09.05 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views243
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  22. IC1396, VDB142

    내로우밴드만으로 찍는 것은 처음입니다. 처리가 쉽지 않네요. 촬영할 때 바람이 좀 불었지만 경통이 짧아서 그런지 잘 버텨주었습니다. 16803CCD는 처음 써보는데 정말 크고 무겁네요. 대상 (Object) : IC1396, VDB142 촬영일 (Date) : 2017, Aug. 31   촬영...
    Date2017.09.02 CategoryNebula By장승혁 Views278
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  23. Eta Carinae, Running Chicken Nebula Wide Field

    Telesocpe : Samyang (Rokinon) 135mm F2.0 Lens (@ F2.8) CCD : Canon 6D modified (by Central DS) Mount : RainbowAstro RST-150H Exposure : 120s x 53 (ISO1600) total  1h 46m Location : Bobundara, NSW, Australia Date :  28/Jun/2017 남반구 하늘의...
    Date2017.07.14 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views259
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  24. Large Magellanic Cloud

    Telesocpe : Samyang (Rokinon) 135mm F2.0 Lens (@ F2.8) CCD : Canon 6D modified (by Central DS) Mount : RainbowAstro RST-150H Exposure : 120s x 80 (ISO1600) total  2h 40m Location : Bobundara, NSW, Australia Date :  28/Jun/2017 남반구의 은하...
    Date2017.07.08 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views299
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  25. Cat's Paw Nebula Widefiled (NGC6334, 6357)

    Telesocpe : WO STAR-71 II (D:71mm, fl:350mm) CCD : SBIG STL-11000M Mount : RainbowAstro RST-150H  Exposure : L 300s x 12(1x1bin), RGB each 300s x 6(2bin) total 2h 30m Location : Bobundara, NSW, Australia Date :  28/Jun/2017 고양이 발(NGC633...
    Date2017.07.06 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views187
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  26. Eta Carinae Nebula

    Telesocpe : WO STAR-71 II (D:71mm, fl:350mm) CCD : SBIG STL-11000M Mount : RainbowAstro RST-150H  Exposure : L 300s x 12(1x1bin), RGB each 300s x 6(2bin) total 2h 30m Location : Bobundara, NSW, Australia Date :  28/Jun/2017 마운트의 남반구 ...
    Date2017.07.04 CategoryNebula By정병준 Views300
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  27. NGC 6888

    Imaging Date:  Ha  May 20th,2017                      O3   May 28th,2017                      O3   June  4th,2017 Imaging Site:   Astrovillage,Korea Telescope:  TOA130F Mount:  Paramount MX+ Guiding:  Off Axis guide Imaging Camera:   Apogee ...
    Date2017.06.28 CategoryNebula By선숙래 Views314
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  28. NGC 7000 & IC 5070

    오랜만에 앞마당에서의 관측이었습니다.  여름밤이 너무 짧아서 2주간에 걸쳐서 겨우 5.8시간을 노출주었습니다. SHO 필터간 far-focal이 안되는 것 같아 스트레스가 이만저만이 아니네요. 특히, OIII 필터에서 초점차가 제법 많이 나는 것 같아, 스트레스입...
    Date2017.06.19 CategoryNebula By박성준 Views278
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  29. IC 5067

     Imaging Date:   May  19th, 2017  -  Ha                       May   27th, 2017  -  O3                       June    4th, 2017  -  S2 Imaging Site:   Astrovillage,Korea Telescope:  15 inch Newtonian reflector with Wynne Corrector Mount:  AP E...
    Date2017.06.17 CategoryNebula By선숙래 Views237
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  30. M8 and M20

    M8 and M20 Region Telescope: Solomon SDT80 w/ 0.8x 3inch reducer Camera: QHY367C 50% resize ( Filter : Optolong L filter ( Mount: WeeStar Arc8 (http://weestaroptic...
    Date2017.06.13 CategoryNebula By이건호 Views383
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  31. M27

    Imaging Date: O3  May 28th,2017                      Ha  June 4th,2017 Imaging Site:   Astrovillage,Korea Telescope:  ADT Starship RCA400C Mount:  Paramount ME Guiding:  Off Axis Guide Imaging Camera:   QHY 16200A ( -30C ) Imaging Software:...
    Date2017.06.12 CategoryNebula By선숙래 Views259
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  32. ngc7000 and IC5067 NIR vs. HaO3LRGB

    1. NIR/Ha+R/O3+G+B Image processing 2. Bicolor + LRGB mixed image 3.L vs. NIR Raw data 2017년 5월 29일,6월 1일~3일 경남 의령, 거제 Pentax 75SDHF NIR(0.7um~1.0um) Bin2 x 40min x 6 Ha 5nm Bin1 x 15min x 8 O3 5nm Bin1 x 15min x 8 LRGB each Bin1...
    Date2017.06.10 CategoryNebula By권한조 Views244
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